


Place des Arts (PdA)

Place des Arts 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Mandate and context

The culture and arts ecosystem has been undergoing a major transformation since the pandemic. As a crown corporation at the heart of the Quebec arts scene, the Place des Arts must support its resident organizations and increase the sector's attractiveness, particularly to new generations, by taking advantage of technological advances.

Implementation and solutions

Volume10 led an extensive consultation process with the Place des Arts staff and other stakeholders (40 interviews) to create a fact base on the structure and strengths of the corporation. The firm designed a 2023-2027 strategic plan with directions that justify greater government investment.

Impact and outcomes

Initiatives have been put in place to mobilize the cultural ecosystem and stimulate participation from all segments of the population. The Place des Arts has been positioned as a meeting place, a destination, a driving force for Quebec's performing arts and a leader in digital technology.

Place des Arts 2023- 2027 Strategic Plan by Volume10